Endorsements and Approvals

  • Vote Common Good

    A non-partisan endorsement. Candidates for Common Good have committed themselves to leading with values consistent with the common good. This means they will use the common good as a guiding principle in how they govern, advocate, and the ways in which they interact with both voters and other candidates for office.

    Learn more votecommongood.com

  • Voters not Politicians

    Voters Not Politicians is leading the effort to engage with state legislators to pass good-governance reforms to protect voting rights, strengthen our democracy and ensure political power remains in the hands of the voters.

    One of their important missions is ending the corruptive influence of money in politics.

    More information at: votersnotpoliticians.com


    AFSCME Michigan is the public service workers union in Michigan. AFSCME Michigan represents more than 41,000 public and private employees across the state. On the job and at the polls, AFSCME Michigan members are a leading voice for dignity and respect for working people in Michigan.

    More at: https://miafscme.org

  • Equality Michigan Action Network-Approved Candidate

    Equality Michigan Action Network engages, educates, and moves political leaders and voters to take action on the issues that matter most to LGBTQ+ Michiganders. We provide policy expertise, political acumen, and broad-based relationships across the political spectrum to propel our mission: To achieve full equality and respect for all Michigan residents regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

    To learn more about Equality Michigan


  • Michigan Association for Justice

    MAJ Mission Statement

    The Mission of the Michigan Association for Justice is to promote a fair and effective justice system. We aim to support the work of attorneys in their efforts to ensure that any person who is injured by the misconduct or negligence of others can obtain justice in Michigan’s courtrooms, even when taking on the most powerful interests

    More at: https://www.michiganjustice.org

  • Mental Health Now

    The Mental Health Now Candidate program, powered by Inseparable Action, signals to voters that a candidate will prioritize mental health policy if elected. This means they will stand for increasing access to mental health care, promoting prevention and early intervention by expanding youth mental health services, and improving crisis response. The distinction is non-partisan and more than one candidate in a race can receive it.

    For more go to https://mentalhealthnow.us

This is just a partial list of endorsements and will be updated as time and space allows.