
I’ve been asked many times why on Earth I would want to get involved with politics. I’ve been told that they’re all corrupt. Well, to be honest, I’ve been told “they” are way worse things.

What I see is a division and hatred. I see where everyone is so busy wanting to be right, that the people are left wondering why.

Why vote if the system is rigged? Have you worked as an election inspector? I have. Go see for yourself from the inside how it really works.

Why vote if they never “do anything for me”?

Look, I’m not a politician, but I have learned that the only way to ever make effective change is from the inside. Frankly, I waited for several months before throwing my hat in the ring to see who might “step up”

March came around, still no one had filed. I thought to myself, surely someone is going to take this on. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I heard a conversation with my high school government teacher and he asked “Aren’t you someone?”

I am.

Small town values are the heart and soul of our communities, rooted in hard work, trust, and compassion. They teach us the importance of lending a helping hand to neighbors, fostering connections, and prioritizing relationships over politics. In our small towns, we understand that everyone counts, and together we can make a difference. These values remind us that success isn't measured just by individual ambition but by the well-being of the community as a whole. Embracing these principles means championing a future where policies reflect the needs of everyday people, ensuring that no one is left behind. Let’s honor and uplift these small town values as we strive for the common good.